ACL 07-13 KINGAP Program Enhancements (3/13/07)

In 2006, the legislature created “KinGAP Plus,” but gave CDSS the option to suspend KinGAP Plus if it were determined that implementation would not be advantageous to the state. Well, that came true, so KinGAP Plus is suspended. In the event that this happened, the statute gave CDSS the authority to implement alternative “enhanced benefits” in the existing KinGAP Program. So, this is where we are now: an ACL implementing these enhancement, effective retroactively to October 1, 2006.

The new program enhancements are: coverage of probation youth in foster care but under the supervision of the juvenile delinquency court. (See the ACL for eligibility requirements); the payment of Specialized Care rates if the child got these payments through Foster Care in the month prior to changing to KinGAP; all KinGAP recipients are now entitled to the $100 annual state supplemental clothing allowance, but other clothing allowances under the county foster care payment structure. All Kin-Gap recipients, as well as all relatives of children in permanency planning where guardianship may be recommended, will be notified by mail of the changes.

Because of the complexity in tracking down information on special needs payments prior to transitioning to KinGap, CDSS has given counties “latitude” to taken longer to make the determination of eligibility for these payments. Counties “should make every effort to determine eligibility for the [specialized care] as soon as possible but no later than a child’s next annual redetermination or the end of the state fiscal year, June 30, 2007 whichever is earlier.”  There is no provision for new specialized care determination, or adjustments to the rates – people get whatever was paid through foster care.  Regulations on this whole packet are in development. [Download]