ACIN I-62-07: Notice Of Action And Right To Request A State Hearing On Interim Assistance For Payment Pending Cases (10/25/07)

There is a new Reimbursement (IAR) Program form, to comply with a change in federal law. Previously, Social Security send a client’s entire retroactive SSI payment to the Interim Assistance (IA) agency as a lump sum. The IA agency reimbursed itself, sending the balance to the client, along with a Notice of Action and Right to Request a State Hearing.

The Deficit Reduction Act included a provision by which certain initial SSI benefits are paid to IA clients in installments, rather than in lump sums. The retroactive SSI remains pending, SSA sends the IA agency a notice, and the IA agency must request reimbursement from SSA. After the IA has requested reimbursement, SSA will forward the balance to the client in installments.

The new form has added language listing the initial SSI/SSP IAR amounts and IAR time periods; this form provides information regarding procedures for clients who wish to appeal their initial SSI/SSP benefit amounts and/or the amounts SSA sends to the county IA agencies from their initial SSI/SSP
benefit payments. [Download]