ACIN I-20-08: Psychotropic Medications (3/26/08)

Part of an ongoing series of letters to ensure correct data reporting and documentation in child welfare cases. This one pertains to Authorized Psychotropic Medication, which must be reported under W&IC § 16010’s requirement to maintain a health and education record that includes current medications, including those prescribed to manage a mental health condition.

For dependents of the juvenile court with a prescribed psychotropic medication, court authorization or parental consent for the administration of the medication shall be documented in the child’s record. Part of an ongoing series of letters to ensure correct data reporting and documentation in child welfare cases. This one pertains to Authorized Psychotropic Medication, which must be reported under W&IC § 16010’s requirement to maintain a health and education record that includes current medications, including those prescribed to manage a mental health condition. [Download]