CalFresh face-to-face interviews

The California Department of Social Services has issued instructions regarding face-to-face interviews for applications and recertifications.  7 C.F.R. § 273.2(e)(2) now gives states the option to conduct interviews for applications and recertifications by telephone.  California has been conducting telephone interviews under a federal waiver.  Now, California has accepted the option in the federal regulation to do telephone interviews.

Counties will routinely conduct telephone interviews in lieu of face-to-face interviews at application and recertification for all CalFresh households regardless of the length of the household’s certification period length.  Counties may conduct face-to-face interviews if determined necessary.  However, if an in person interview in the office would be a hardship, the county must do a home visit for the interview.   Counties must inform applicants of the opportunity to have a face-to-face interview on request.   The county must provide a notice of missed interview if the applicant or recipient misses a telephone interview.  The application process cannot be negatively affected because the county does a telephone interview.   (ACL 17-80, July 31, 2017.)