CalFresh cost-of-living adjustments

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has issued the CalFresh cost-of living adjustments (COLA) for Federal Fiscal Year 2020. The COLA increases the Maximum Shelter Deduction, the Homeless Shelter Deduction, the Standard Deduction, the Standard Utility Allowance, the Limited Utility Allowance, the Telephone Utility Allowance and the income eligibility standards.  The COLA is effective October 1, 2019.

Counties must inform all CalFresh households of the COLA and the new utility deduction amounts no later than October 1, 2019.  Counties may use an informing notice, or can use news or media outlets and post information in certification offices, issuance locations and other sites frequented by CalFresh recipients. (ACIN I-54-19, August 21, 2019.)