COVID-19 additional waived Regional Center requirements

The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) has issued a directive to Regional Centers waiving additional requirements of the Lanterman Act because of COVID-19.

Any requirements of the Lanterman Act or an Individual Program Plan requiring delivery of services either in-person or at a specific location are waived when requested by a client, parent, guardian or other authorized legal representative.  The service provider must notify the Regional Center of the request and the Regional Center must send a follow up letter to the client confirming the request.  An agreement to provide services in an alternative location or through electronic communication does not change the frequency or duration of Individual Program Plan services without agreement of the client’s Individual Program Plan team.

Regional Center Executive Directors are delegated authority to grant rate adjustments for residential services and/or supplemental services in residential settings to protect a client’s health or safety because of COVID-19.  Intermediate care facilities licensed by the California Department of Public Health can be vendored to provide residential supplemental services.  Regional Centers must work with affected providers to expedite vendorization for new or additional supplemental services.

Day program services may be provided by remote electronic communication.

Any requirement for public meetings in the Lanterman Act or a Regional Center contract is waived, except for Regional Center board meetings, which will occur in person or using remote electronic communication.

The 20 working day requirement for investigating and providing a written proposed resolution to a complaint is extended to 40 working days.  (Regional Center Executive Directors Letter, March 18, 2020, extended to May 17, 2020.)