Changes to CalFresh Notice of Denial or Pending Status

The California Department of Social Services has released a new Notice of Denial or Pending Status, CF 377.1A.  Changes to the Notice include that every CF 377.1A must inform the household that they may become categorically eligible if they have applied for SSI and the application is granted.  The Notice now must state the specific items of verification that the county alleges are missing for denial of either an application or recertification.  The Notice also must state, when the application is pending because of missing verification, what specific items of verification that the county alleges are missing.

Finally, when the county receives a complete recertification and denies the household, the county must send a separate denial notice.  The Notice of Denial or Pending Status is insufficient to deny recertification when the county receives the recertification application.  (ACL 21-93, August 5, 2021.)