ACIN I-41-07: SB 1569 (Human Trafficking/Benefits) , Post-Implementation Questions And Answers (8/8/07)

A much needed follow up on ACL 06-60, with policy clarifications about the implementation of the provision of public assistance to victims of trafficking. Recognizing the sensitivity of the issue, there is an attached suggested screening tool, and a list of resources. Key issues covered:

  1. Proof of trafficking (not “other serious crime” which requires a U Visa Interim Relief) = sworn statement + one piece of evidence, unless not available and county documents applicant is credible);
  2. Victims are required to seek a SSN and work authorization so they can comply with welfare to work;
  3. Food Stamps has NO work requirements (ABAWD, work registration, etc.) for this population;
  4. Discussion of what employment/training services are appropriate and when, including when physical or psychological trauma are such that the person cannot comply, as well as all the standard Refugee Services and CalWORKs exemptions;
  5. If a person with a T-visa is approved for the federal refugee program, s/he gets an additional 8 months of refugees services. (The 8 month through the state-only trafficking program don’t count against the federal benefits.);
  6. As solely-state funded (non-MOE) folks, trafficking (T and U visas) people are NOT in the federal welfare to work count. (So, you have a handle if the county is trying to focus on federal, instead of state, activities.)
