ACL 08-45:Increased Fees And Related Statutory Changes In The Independent Adoptions Program (10/6/08)

This ACL describes 3 amended Family Code Sections affect the Independent Adoptions Program (IAP). 1) the date the required investigation must be submitted to the court has changed from within 180 days after the filing of the petition to 180 days from when the adoption agency had received a copy of the filed petition and 50 percent of the adoption investigation fee. (This change does not affect the required interview with the petitioners within the 45 day period.); 2) the increase of the full fee from $2,950 to $4,500, or $1,550 for petitioners who have a valid preplacement evaluation; 3) the fee waiver is eliminated. Petitioners who meet the “very low income” limits can apply for a reduced fee with at least a minimum payment of $500. A factsheet is attached to the ACL. [Download]