ACL 09-16: Approvals For Prospective Adoptive Applicants (3/12/09)

AB 2651 was an urgency measure, effective October 1, 2008, which amended California’s adoption approval process for prospective adoptive parents/petitioners to meet federal requirements. This ACL outlines the obligations of CDSS and all licensed public and private adoption agencies in the State of California (including independent and intercountry). These provisions prohibit the final approval of a prospective adoptive applicant/petitioner, or any adult residing in the applicant’s home, if they have certain felony convictions. The types of convictions, and the ban (permanent or fixed period) on adoptions is listed.

Additionally, under the new law, any home study not approved prior to October 1, 2008 must be denied when either the applicant or any adult residing in the home has any of the felony convictions specified in FC 8712 and 8908. (When non-applicant adults are the problem, adoptive applicants maintain the option of removing those adults from the home and then proceeding with the assessment). The letter also reviews the process for receiving information about subsequent convictions (during or after the approval process). [Download]