ACL 10-02: Foster Family Agency Rates And Group Home Adjusted Point Ranges (1/29/10)

Information on the impact of Senate Bill (SB) 597, which modified the budget trailer bill provisions of AB X4, 4. AB X4 required a 10% reduction in the program rates for Foster Family Agencies (FFAs). Subsequently, SB 597 allowed FFAs the flexibility in how they apply the 10% rate reduction to their social work and administration, and provided that no more than 10% shall be deducted from the child base and increment. This letter provides a chart to reflect those rates.

However, nothing precludes FFAs from providing a payment to the certified parents in excess of the basic rate and child increment. The letter also provides a schedule with the FFA rates and components for FFAs providing treatment programs, and other information about these rates. It also includes a discussion of the rates for group homes, which are impacted by an injunction in California Alliance of Children and Family Services, which prohibited further reduction of the group rates. [Download]