A review of key questions, and an emphasis that the 24 months is a period of PARTICIPANT flexibility, in which to get any activity needed for self-sufficiency identified in the assessment, without core hour requirements. “Heh, but what about that federal work participation requirement,” you may be wondering: “The CWDs are required to follow state law. State law mandates that clients are to be given the option of being assigned to the full range of WTW activities, limited by their individualized assessment pursuant to MPP section 42-711.55. The goal of the CalWORKs program is to avoid long term need for aid, by providing clients with the skills needed to move out of poverty. During the WTW 24-Month Time Clock period, clients must be allowed to focus on gaining the skills, education, training, and other barrier removal services, when needed, to achieve long-term self-sufficiency. A CWD’s concern about meeting the federal WPR may not be a reason for preventing or discouraging clients from changing activities or hours according to the new rules under SB 1041.” [Download]