ACL 13-58: Waiving The Recertification Interview For Nonassistance CalFresh Households In Which All Adults Are Elderly Or Disabled Without Earned Income (7/8/13)

New policy to help seniors and people with disability benefits keep their CalFresh benefits, effective immediately.  Recertification interviews for non-assistance (not linked to cash aid) “aged/disabled” households with no eaerned income, who are no longer required unless: (1) the household asks for one;  (2) the CWD believes the recertification would be denied because of changes that would render them ineligible; or (3) the information supplied by the household or authorized representative is questionable, incomplete or contradictory.  Includes the instructions about the Notices and new forms.  FNS asked for a client survey to be part of the data collection on the waiver; it is included in the letter.  [Download]