DHCS ACWDL 14-21: 2014 Annual Redeterminations: Continued Eligibility for Pre-ACA Medi-CAl Children Implementing 2101(f) Protection (4/25/14)

DHCS is providing guidance to ensure continuing eligibility for children during 2014 annual redeterminations as pre-ACA coverage transitions to ACA MAGI coverage.   The full letter is available here.

Children currently enrolled in pre-ACA Medi-Cal coverage that would no longer be eligible under MAGI rules at their 2014 redetermination must remain on Medi-Cal (including any premiums or cost sharing) until their 2015 redetermination date (2101(f) protection).  This applies to children receiving Medi-Cal on or before 12/31/13 and losing eligibility at their 2014 MAGI redetermination.  They will be shifted to a new ACA children aid code.

The letter provides the applicable aid codes, scenarios, and exceptions to 2101(f) protection.