ACL 14-54: Agricultural Act Of 2014 (Farm Bill): CalFresh Changes (5/29/14)

Implementing instructions regarding changes to the SNAP program that impact CalFresh.  Certain provisions require “immediate” implementation, while others cannot be implemented until the federal rulemaking process is completed.  Of note, there was a change to the “Heat and Eat” LIHEAP/SUA provisions…which are addressed in the budget trailer bill.  (States had to meet a higher contribution to allow all households to get the SUA.) Therefore, contingent upon approval of the Governor’s May Revision Budget, CWDs must provide the SUAS payment for all ongoing households which will benefit from receiving the SUAS payment with certification periods effective April, May, June, July, August, September and October 2014 no later than
November 30, 2014. Ongoing households, which will benefit from receiving the SUAS payment recertified on or after November 1, 2014 must be provided with the SUAS payment no later than the last day of the first month of their new certification period.

The Farm Bill also prohibits certain “recruitment, ” banning billboard, TV, and  radio ads that promote enrollment in the program.  [Download]