Unticking CalWORKs clock for zero participation months

CDSS has issued guidance about unticking months on the 24 month time on aid clock for adults with zero participation hours. Months should be unticked from the 24 month time on aid clock if, for any six consecutive month period between January 1, 2013 and September 30, 2015, the adult was aided, had zero WTW participation hours and the 24 month clock ticked.

In addition, good cause should be found and months unticked from the 24 month time on aid clock when either the client was unengaged in WTW prior to initiation of WTW compliance process, or months when more than 60 days passed between the initiation of WTW compliance and imposition of a sanction.

Counties are required to identify these cases and send an informing notice that months are being added to the 24 month time on aid clock.  ACL 15-99 (12/1/15).