In general, able bodied adults without children (ABAWDs) are eligible for CalFresh for only three months within a 36 month period unless the client 1) lives in a county or area of a county that has an ABAWD waiver; 2) satisfies the ABAWD work requirement; 3) qualifies for an exemption or 4) is granted an individual 15 percent exemption.
California has had a statewide waiver of the ABAWD rule. This waiver expires on December 31, 2017. CDSS has decided to implement the 36 month period using a fixed statewide clock. This means all ABAWDs will have the same time 36 month time period, and when the clock starts it will continue uninterrupted. The clock will begin on January 1, 2017 and will reset on January 1, 2020. When the statewide clock ends, all ABAWDs will have their clock restart and can again receive their 3 months of CalFresh. The choice to use a fixed statewide clock is intended to maximize benefits. ACIN I-88-16 (December 14, 2016).