Changes to Social Security hearings process

Social Security has finalized new regulations that change its hearing process.  These are important changes because they change the deadlines and time frames for Social Security hearings.  Three key changes in the process are:

  1. Social Security will now give at least 75 days notice of the hearing date.
  1. Claimants and claimant’s representatives must now submit evidence, hearing briefs and objections to issues at least five business days prior to the hearing. For evidence that the Claimant has not yet received, the Claimant or claimant’s representative must inform about that evidence.  Exceptions to the five business day rule include disability that prevents the Claimant from submitting evidence and “other unusual, unexpected or unavoidable circumstances” which expressly includes actively and diligently seeking evidence but the evidence was not received 5 business days before the hearing.
  1. When seeking Appeals Council review, any new evidence must be submitted to the Appeal Council with the Request for Review. The Appeals Council will only consider new evidence under limited circumstances, including disability that prevents the Claimant from submitting evidence and “other unusual, unexpected or unavoidable circumstances” which expressly includes actively and diligently seeking evidence but the evidence was not received 5 business days before the hearing.

Ensuring Program Uniformity at the Hearing and Appeals Council Levels of the Administrative Review Process, 81 Fed. Reg. 90987 (December 16, 2016).


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