The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has information about Cell-Ed, a distance learning program that CDSS has partnered with. This partnership provides counties free access to Cell-Ed through June, 2021.
Cell-Ed and other distance learning activities can count towards CalWORKs Welfare-to-Work participation in various categories. Cell-Ed also counts as a core activity (not counting toward the 24-month time clock) a vocational education, job search and job readiness.
Counties can track participation on Cell-Ed. Counties should not ask for additional verification of Cell-Ed participation.
Cell-Ed is an allowable CalFresh Employment and Training (E &T) activity.
CalWORKs participants are entitled to supportive services for Cell-Ed courses, including child care and ancillary expenses. CalFresh E & T participants are also entitled to supportive services for Cell-Ed. For both CalWORKs and CalFresh E & T, covered ancillary expenses can include a mobile phone or a phone and internet service to connect to Cell-Ed. (ACIN I-55-20, July 1, 2020.)