The California Employment Development Department (EDD) will now automatically process benefits from claimants who have not earned wages in the last 18 months, regardless of the type of claim, without needing to reapply for benefits. These claimants will need to continue certifying for benefits, and EDD will notify them when the additional benefit weeks are processed.
Claimants who have earned wages in the last 18 months must still reapply for benefits, even if they currently have are on either a PEUC or FED-ED benefits extension. EDD will then establish a new regular claim or deliver extended federal benefits on their behalf. All claimants will be notified if they need to reapply. Claimants can go to UI online and attempt to “File New Claim” to find out if they need to reapply. The application will proceed if a new application is necessary. Claimants can also use the Unemployment Insurance Benefit Calculator to see if they must reapply.
EDD also stated that, while there currently is no job search requirement, the requirement will return soon. EDD has a job search toolbox that can assist with employment searches. (EDD News Release No. 21-33, May 27, 2021.)