Guaranteed Income pilot for nonminor dependents exiting foster care

iFoster is operating a Guaranteed Income Pilot Project statewide.  Youth can be eligible for the iFoster Guaranteed Income pilot if they 1) are exiting extended foster care in California, and are California residents, except for youth exiting foster care in San Francisco, Ventura, Riverside, San Bernardino, Napa, San Mateo, and Alameda (because those counties operate their own guaranteed income projects for exiting foster youth); 2) are youth in foster care who are expected to exit foster care on their 21st birthday and who apply within 90 days prior to, or 30 days after, their 21st birthday, for the enrollment window specified above; 3) have income below a predetermined threshold; and 4) are not currently enrolled in another Guaranteed Income Pilot Project.

iFoster will give $750 per month for 18 months to 354 people who qualify for the program. Individuals will be selected for receipt of guaranteed income using random assignment or a lottery. Participants will be selected by random assignment or lottery on a regular basis over 12 months.  Youth exiting extended foster care in any county except Napa, San Mateo, and Alameda.

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) encourages counties and probation departments to give information about iFoster to youth exiting foster care during their transition planning. iFoster will work with CDSS to verify a youth’s eligibility and help them complete the application.

Applications will be accepted until October 31, 2024.  Individuals who are not selected for the program may still be able to be compensated for participation in research activities. iFoster will provide resource navigation services including referral and application, and government benefits counseling and application support, to all youth referred by counties regardless of eligibility for or enrollment in iFoster’s guaranteed income pilot. (ACIN I-60-23, October 16, 2023, and ACIN I-60-23E, August 7, 2024.)