Foster Care child support arrears

The California Department of Child Support Services instructs local child support agencies (LCSAs) to review all cases with foster care arrearages.  If the annual income of the parent ordered to pay support is less than $100,000, or 400 percent of the federal poverty level, whichever is greater, the LCSAs must deem the arrears uncollectable and remove them.

If the annual income of the parent ordered to pay support is less than $100,000, or 400 percent of the federal poverty level, and any of the dependent children are still receiving foster care services, the LCSA must ask the welfare department whether continued enforcement would be a barrier to reunification.

If there are no dependent children still receiving foster care services and the annual income of the parent ordered to pay support is less than $100,000, or 400 percent of the federal poverty level, the case will not be reviewed for relief from foster care arrears.

Collections made prior to the collectability determination and removal of arrears will not be refunded.  (CSSP Letter 23-02, October 23, 2023.)