ACL 13-107: Changes To The CalFresh Employment And Training Program With The Passage Of Senate Bill 134 (12/30/13)

SB 134 adds to the existing E&T deferrals those work registrants who are veterans that have been honorably discharged from the United States Armed Forces.  In addition to the regular rules (cannot be assigned Mandatory E&T, but can volunteer), Counties are also to refer this group to the local County Veterans Service Offices as well as any local veterans assistance and job training agencies known to the county. The letter includes verification instructions regarding services/discharge.  [Download]

ACIN I-76-13: Coordinated Care Initiative (CCI) – Voluntary Provider Training Curriculum (12/27/13)

WIC Section 12330 required that DSS meet with stakeholders to develop a voluntary IHSS provider training “that addresses issues of consistency, accountability, and increased quality of care.”  This Notice releases the training, which is a compilation of training resources that include 15 topics and a variety of subtopics. [Download]

ACL 13-104: Implementation Of Assembly Bill (AB) 309 Regarding Homeless Youth In The CalFresh Program (12/20/13)

Implementing the law, and clearing up any confusion about homeless youth’s eligibility for CalFresh.  The counties must accept the application for benefits, screen for whether the youth can be in his/her own CalFresh household, and whether eligible for expedited services.  Oh yeah, and being a minor doesn’t deprive you of due process: homeless youth are entitled to a notice of action regarding the application determination.  [Download]

ACL 13-105: Updated Guidance On County Submission Of Annual Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement Plans (12/24/13)

County instructions to meet the requirement for an annual IHSS Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement (QA/QI) Plan.  The state will be issuing instructions later on the creation of a County Policy and Procedures site, where the “static” plan components set out in ACIN No. I-64-05 will be maintained.  Counties no longer need to report annually on these components.   [Download]

ACL 13-102: (12/24/13)

Making life easy… Recipients can now verify CalFresh Dependent Care costs through self-certification.  Further proof is only required if the statement is questionable.  (Expenses are only allowed if the service is provided by someone outside of the household and the household makes an out-of-pocket payment (i.e. not an in-kind trade) for the care.  Once verified, no further verification is required unless the provider or amount changes.  [Download]