Just passing on the regs implementing SAR. The bulk of it was already in ACL No. 12-25. [Download]
Just passing on the regs implementing SAR. The bulk of it was already in ACL No. 12-25. [Download]
Instructions on “interoperability” of the “horizontal integration” to facilitate processing consumer requests for a referral to the CalFresh or CalWORKs programs when they have applied for a health insurance affordability program. [Download]
Revised public assistance application forms (and instructions for the counties) in preparation for the implementation of the Affordable Care Act January 1, 2014. Includes new terms of art vocabulary! (Interoperability and Horizontal Integration.)
ACA required the development of a “streamlined, multi-program application,” resulting in the new SAWs2 Plus application.
Effective January 1, 2014, individuals and families who wish to apply for CalFresh only should use the recently revised CF 285, and those indicating they want to apply for health care programs only, should use the DHCS Single Streamlined application (SSApp.) Attachment One
explains what application forms to use and when to use them.
The SAWS 1 has been revised to include the applicant’s preferred method of contact, email address, the ability to request messages via email. It’s use will be limited to when people can’t complete a full application on the same day, in order to preserve the beginning date of aid. [Download]
Aligning CalWORKs to CalFresh: In October 2011, the Food and Nutrition Service increased the asset limit for CalFresh households in which there are elderly and disabled members to $3,250. CalWORKs is following suit. Counties must make this change immediately.
In addition, if Counties denied or discontinued a family as a result of exceeding the $3000 asset limit, the county must re-evaluate eligibility for the AU and restore any benefits lost. Same for reviewing overpayments for excess resources for any period after September 30, 2011. [Download]
Presenting the revised and now single comprehensive document with updated instructions for completing the County Self-Assessment (CSA), the System Improvement Plan (SIP) and SIP Progress Reports. [Download]
As we reach the end of the year…it’s time for EITC outreach! And here are the annual outreach materials. [Download]