Implementing a new provision that reunification services need not be provided to a parent or guardian when the court finds that the parent or guardian has been required by the court to be registered on a sex offender registry. The Notice also transmits the instructions for new requirements regarding county child welfare services trainings. [Download]
Notice that the SUA and LUA went up, and the TUA stays at $20. [Download]
Ooops. DSS became aware that the regs were, shall we say, in need of modification. Correct policy is set out in this letter. Most households are certified for longer than two months, and for these folks, an application for recertification is considered timely when submitted by the 15th day of the last month of the certification period. In the rare circumstance that a household is given a one or two month certification period, an application for recertification is considered timely when it is submitted within 15 days of receipt of the Notice of Expiration of Certification, which must be given along with the approval for CalFresh benefits. [Download]
So the eligibility (DSS) side knows what the program side (DHCS) is doing, a review of how the Affordable Care Act implementation instructions will come down. Ready for some acronyms??? DHCS will be issuing a Medi-Cal Eligibility Division Information Letter (MEDIL) instead of All County Welfare Director’s Letter (ACWDL) to expedite providing counties and the Statewide Automated Welfare System (SAWS) with policy guidance. Includes links to the two documents already issued. [Download]
The how-to’s of recording complete, accurate, and timely case information updates into the CWS/CMS, in order to meet required Child Welfare Services Program documentation, data reporting, and program performance measurements. The feds had found that California not in substantial compliance in this area. [Download]