ACL 11-06E: Continuing Of All County Letter (ACL) 11-06 Sponsor Deeming, Indigent Noncitizen Determination And Sponsor Income Verification (5/23/13)

This errata is more like a new ACL, as it is a continuation of an ACL from 2011 (yes, 2 years ago), ACL 11-06.  This letter reviews (1) the procedure for reviewing sponsor deeming when a child receiving  benefits turns eighteen years old; (2) the updated address and procedure for notifying the USCIS of the names of the indigent sponsored noncitizen and the sponsor in accordance with federal guidance; and (3) the valuation of in-kind assistance solely for the purpose of making the indigent determination.  [Download]

ACIN I-09-13: AB 2488; Adoption: Sibling Mutual Consent Program – Confidential Intermediary (5/21/13)

This may only make sense in the world of welfare.  AB 2488 permit adoptees and siblings greater opportunities to initiate and make contact with each other. Implementation of this program was suspended until July 1, 2012, but the legislative intent was that implementation of some or all of the changes made to Section 9205 of the Family Code “shall continue, to the extent possible.”  So, July 1, 2012 has come and gone almost a year.  What now brown cow?  This ACIN states: “that commencing July 1, 2012, it is still the intent of the Legislature that this program “shall continue, to the extent possible” and lists a funding source.  [Download]

ACL 13-40: State Hearings Division Procedures In Processing Expedited State Hearing Requests (5/20/13)

At long last, the state hearing instructions on how to get an expedited hearing, and what they cover, is given it’s own ACL for increased “finadability.”  (The letter had been on the state hearing website, but buried in the “About Hearings” section.)  The letter includes a list of issues appropriate for Expedited Hearings, and “any other issue of urgency that the CDSS/SHD deems necessary.”  [Download]