ACIN I-22-13: CalWORKs: Final Regulations On AB 98 Subsidized Employment (5/1/13)

Transmits the new (final) regulations, previously implemented through ACL, on the AB 98 changes.  SB 72 expanded the eligible population for AB 98 funded wage subsidies and increase the duration of qualifying job placements. Also, AB 98  participants who reapply for cash assistance are considered current recipients for the purposes of CalWORKs eligibility income and work requirements if reapplying within three calendar months of the SE placement.  [Download]

ACL 13-35: Heat And Eat Program (4/24/13)

A tweak to the “Heat and Eat” program described in ACL 12-61, to remedy the fact that some homeless households with income were losing benefits. Since the intent of Heat and Eat is to increase benefits, CWDs are instructed to determine which deduction should be used in the CalFresh budget calculation for the homeless household so as to not adversely affect the household’s benefits.  If the homeless shelter deduction, vs. the SUA, is more advantageous, that would be used.  Homeless households adversely impacted by use of the SUA rather than the homeless shelter deduction should have their benefits recalculated using the correct deduction retroactively to January 1, 2013.  These households get the LIHEAP benefit either way.  [Download]

ACL 13-32: Modified Categorical Eligibility/Broad-Based Categorical Eligibility And Elderly/Disabled CalFresh Households (4/24/13)

An important add-on to ACL 12-62, explaining that if a household with seniors/people classified as disabled are above 200% FPL (the financial cut off with the feds for Categorical Eligibility), the county must still process the application to determine if the household is  eligible.  Why? Because these households have no gross income limit (as well as having no excess shelter cap and being eligible for out of pocket medical expenses), and thus could be eligible even if above 200% FPL.  The county would need to determine if they are below the $3k resource limit.  Which is one of the only times (other than when looking at Expedited eligibility) that resources matter for CalFresh.   [Download]