Phone number and email address for counties to get help with the new IHSS program.[Download]
Phone number and email address for counties to get help with the new IHSS program.[Download]
New informing and approval notices. MPP 63-504.39 requires that the counties inform all households of new CalFresh benefits and deductions. The state says that the county may use the new mass change notice or may notify households via the news media or posting in offices and other sites ‘frequented by households.’ [Download]
And the nominee for the best IHSS short film… release of the new IHSS video (including closed captioning) for providers on filling out timesheets. By May 2013, it will be translated into Spanish, Armenian, and Chinese. [Download]
Transmits the new CW 2208 form that counties must use to provide recipients information regarding the number of months remaining on his or her WTW 24-Month Time Clock. All counties which have not notified clients regarding their WTW 24-Month Time Clock must now provide the CW 2208 to all clients with whom the CWD conducted an annual redetermination between January 1, 2013 and the release of this ACL, as well as all applicants who applied on or after January 1, 2013. Also list required issuance (application, renewal, and between 18-21 months.) [Downlodad]
In the better late than never category, here is a “trianing module” for counties to train their workers on the welfare to work changes that went into effect 2 months ago. Counties must ensure that whatever training they are using (or have already done?) is consistent with the information in the module. [Download]
One of those “we really meant what we said” letters, this “reconfirms the State’s interpretation” regardings county requirements regardings provider wages and benefits. No state approval of negotiated rate? County pays the entire non-federal share. [Download]