ACIN I-33-14: CalFresh Overissuances (6/27/14)

Some post-FNS clarification on establishment and collection of CalFresh overissuances. To determine whether an overissuance is cost-effective to collect, the thresholds is determined based on the amount as of the date the overissuance is calculated.  Counties are to terminate any collections for OI’s that were above $35 when established.  (SB 1391 raises the cost effectiveness threshold to above $125, but only for households no longer on CalFresh.  If the OI is discovered and established, but before collection can start the family will no longer be on CalFresh, and the OI is 125 or less, no collection would occur.  [Download]

ACIN I-31-14: Release Of The Statewide Report Of County Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement Activities In The IHSS For Fiscal Year 2012/13 (6/11/14)

SB 1104 required CDSS and county welfare departments to establish a dedicated QA function to conduct routine scheduled reviews of IHSS cases. This report is the first out after conducting the review. 17,621 case reviews, resulting in about 10 percent of QA case reviews resulted in a change in authorized service hours. Not listed in the executive summary is the discovery that 4% of the cases referred for fraud follow up were being underpaid. Overall, although there was a high level of achievement, not all counties did all required reviews, and data was inconsistent, and the review demonstrated that there needs to be improvements in QA data forms, instructions and training.  The review (with the revised forms) does seem to detect “critical incidents” where an IHSS recipient may be at risk. [Download]


ACIN I-28-14: Collection Of CalFresh Overissuances (6/10/14)

A reminder to counties that when determining the amount of a CalFresh overissuance, the amount of the overissuance is based on the initial amount of the CalFresh benefit. In cases where there is an existing overissuance recouped by benefit reduction, the amount of a recoupment for another type of overissuance is based on the initial CalFresh benefit issued for the household, not from the adjusted benefit. Example provided.  [Download]

ACIN I-25-14: Working With Families Who Move Interstate (5/14/14)

Promising practices intended to reduce barriers to the provision of child welfare services to intact families who relocate to other states. If a family with an open emergency response referral that indicates safety risk moves, the worker should contact the new jurisdiction and alert them of the family’s presence and status. When the relocation of a family is a component of the case or safety plan, the caseworker is encouraged to obtain a release of information from the custodial parent that would allow for the sharing of information during and after the move to the new state. [Download]

ACIN I-21-14: The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Of 2003 And Its Impact On California Foster Care Group Homes (6/17/14)

The PREA of 2003 requires development of standards for detection, prevention, reduction, and punishment of prison rape.  In addition to adult criminal justice facilities, PREA applies to juvenile “confinement” facilities, such as Juvenile halls, camps, ranches, detention and other commitment facilities for youth in California’s delinquency system.  Group home foster care placements, whether probation or child welfare supervised, are not confinement” facilities and therefore not covered by the PREA requirements.  However, the letter reminds counties that group home foster care placements must ensure compliance with existing state statutory and regulatory placement, supervision and reporting standards designed to prevent maltreatment and abuse of children residing in group homes and other community care facilities. [Download]