ACWDL 08-12: Economic stimulus act of 2008 (4/3/2008)

Any credits or refunds from the stimulus package are not to be counted as income or resources for the month of receipt and the following two months. Woohoo! [Download]

Also please note, for anyone who regularly checks for new all county welfare director letters, new letters are now only posted on the DHCS website. The DHS website has older letters but it appears the site is no longer being updated as new letters come out.

ACWDL 08-08: The extension of the Qualified Individual 1 program sunset date to June 30, 2008 (2/28/2008)

The QI-1 program provides the state payment of the Part B premiums for Medicare beneficiaries with income below135% FPL. The sunset date for this program has been extended to June 30, 2008. Counties will continue accepting applications and determining eligibility for the program until they receive notice from DHCS that the QI-1 program has been discontinued. [Download]


Medi-Cal beneficiaries information is now confidential; it can only be released for purposes directly related to administration of the Medi-Cal program. Employees can only access as much beneficiary information as they need to administer the program. As of 2/1/08 most providers will not get paid unless they bill using the beneficiaries BIC number, as opposed to the SSN. Beneficiaries have been noticed that providers can refuse to give them medical care if they do not have their BIC with them at appointments. [Download]