ACWDL 09-46: Update on retroactive eligibility for refugee medical assistance (10/08/09)

RMA eligible individuals are eligible for up to three months of retroactive eligibility to the same extent as are Medi-Cal beneficiaries, provided that:1) They apply within their RMA eligibility period. 2) They meet all RMA eligibility requirements during any retroactive months. 3) The three (or fewer) months of retroactive eligibility are within their RMA eligibility period. The letter includes examples. [Download]

ACWDL 09-42: Medi-Cal Referrals and BCCTP –County Responsibilities (9/15/09)

Counties are responsible for referring Medi-Cal applicants and beneficiaries with breast cancer to BBCTP. If an applicant or beneficiary may be disabled she should be referred for a disability determination as well as referred to BCCTP. Beneficiaries losing Medi-Cal eligibility should not be cut off until a determination has been made by BCCTP. The letter lays out step by step the process counties are supposed to take in different situations. [Download]

ACWDL 09-32: Medi-Cal midyear status report requirements (7/8/09)

Because of ARRA Medi-Cal is suspending midyear status reports (MSRs) for most children. This letter provides very detailed information regarding who is not subject to MSRs, including example case situations, FAQs, and forms. It should be read in conjunction with ACWDL 09-31, discussing the suspension of 6 month continuing eligibility for children. It supersedes all of the past letters on MSRs. [Download]