COVID-19 CalFresh waiver extension and end of CalFresh interview waivers

California had three federal waivers for CalFresh because of COVID-19.  The federal waivers for not conducting a face-to-face interview even on request of the applicant, and not requiring requiring specific recording equipment for telephonic signatures are extended until the end of the COVID-19 national emergency.  However, the federal waiver for not conducting CalFresh  initial application and recertification interviews has not been extended.  As a result, counties must begin conducting initial application and recertification interviews no later than August 1, 2020.  For details about these waivers, see ACWDL April 2, 2020, summarized here, and ACWDL May 28, 2020, summarized here.  (ACWDL, July 16, 2020.)

CalFresh waiver extension: reinstatement of eligibility within 30 days of ineligibility

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has instruction regarding extension of the Food and Nutrition Service waiver allowing counties to reinstate CalFresh households that did not submit a semi-annual report, required verification, or other required information if the household takes the required action within 30 days of ineligibility.

Under the waiver, if the household is discontinued for failure to provides a report, required verification, or other required information, but provides the information within 30 days of the date of discontinuance, the county must reinstate the household if the household meets all other eligibility requirements and the current certification period has not expired.   The household’s benefits will be prorated beginning on the date the household took the action to reestablish eligibility.

This wavier will remain in effect until June 30, 2022.  (ACL 20-80, July 14, 2020.)

Distance learning via Cell-Ed for CalWORKs and CalFresh

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has information about Cell-Ed, a distance learning program that CDSS has partnered with.  This partnership provides counties free access to Cell-Ed through June, 2021.

Cell-Ed and other distance learning activities can count towards CalWORKs Welfare-to-Work participation in various categories.  Cell-Ed also counts as a core activity (not counting toward the 24-month time clock) a vocational education, job search and job readiness.

Counties can track participation on Cell-Ed.  Counties should not ask for additional verification of Cell-Ed participation.

Cell-Ed is an allowable CalFresh Employment and Training (E &T) activity.

CalWORKs participants are entitled to supportive services for Cell-Ed courses, including child care and ancillary expenses.  CalFresh E & T participants are also entitled to supportive services for Cell-Ed.  For both CalWORKs and CalFresh E & T, covered ancillary expenses can include a mobile phone or a phone and internet service to connect to Cell-Ed.  (ACIN I-55-20, July 1, 2020.)

COVID-19 CalFresh emergency allotment for July 2020

California has been approved to issue an emergency allotment of CalFresh for July, 2020.  The emergency allotment will be issued on August 16 to raise each household’s monthly CalFresh allotment to the maximum allowable for the household size.  Per guidance from the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), households already receiving the maximum allotment are not eligible to receive an emergency allotment.

Moving forward, emergency allotments may be approved by FNS on a month-to-month basis until the Secretary of Health and Human Services rescinds the public health emergency. (ACWDL, June 23, 2020.)

COVID-19 extension of CalFresh interview waivers

The federal waivers for the CalFresh program for initial application and recertification interview, conducting a face-to-face interview on request of the applicant and required recording equipment for telephonic signatures are extended until July 31.  For details about these waivers, see ACWDL April 2, 2020, summarized here, and ACWDL May 28, 2020, summarized here.  (ACWDL, June 15, 2020.)

COVID-19 processing IEVS matches

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has issued guidance regarding processing IEVS matches because of COVID-19.  Processing of Recipient-IEVS matches for March, April, and May, 2020 are suspended.  Counties must not process Recipient-IEVS matches received during March, April, and May, 2020.  Counties have been granted an extension of the IEVS follow-up timeframes.

However, processing continues of matches from the Payment Verification System, which includes information on CalWORKs and CalFresh recipients who receive or are entitled to Social Security, Unemployment Insurance and State Disability Insurance benefits.

Pandemic Unemployment Compensation, Pandemic Unemployment Assistance and Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation all count as income for CalFresh.  Pandemic Unemployment Assistance and Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation count as income for CalWORKs.  Pandemic Unemployment Compensation does not count as income for CalWORKs but counts as income for CalWORKs applicants.

CDSS is working with the Employment Development Department to develop an electronic match for Pandemic Unemployment Compensation, Pandemic Unemployment Assistance and Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation.

For CalFresh, if a recipient responds to a notice of adverse action with by stating they receive Pandemic Unemployment Compensation, Pandemic Unemployment Assistance and Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation, the county must verify receipt of those benefits and take appropriate action.

For CalWORKs, any Unemployment Insurance benefits with be added to other earned income and exceed the Income Reporting Threshold to be considered a missed mandatory report.  If the county discovers the recipient may have missed such a report, the county must send the recipient a verification letter to request verification of Unemployment Insurance, Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, or Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation.

Beginning June 1, 2020, all IEVS matches will continue except for the Annual IRS Match, which will not resume until 2021.

Cases of suspected fraud must still be referred to Special Investigative Units (SIU) regardless of any temporary waiver periods or restrictions because of COVID-19.  SIUs can continue to conduct face-to-face interviews.   No application or benefits should be delayed, denied or interrupted without sufficient evidence to take case action.  (ACWDL, June 5, 2020.)