Process changing for warnings about excessive EBT replacement requests

In response to recent FNS changes in the federal SNAP rules targeting illegal trafficking, the CalFresh program is changing its process for warnings to recipients who make repeated requests for replacement EBT cards. Effective 2015, County Welfare Departments will issue warning letters to any EBT cardholder after the fourth card replacement within any rolling 12-month period. Upon the fifth request, if trafficking is suspected, the County will be required to refer the case to the Special Investigation Unit (SIU).

That said, this ACL recognizes that frequent requests for EBT card replacement may be indicative of non-fraudulent situations, e.g., the recipient’s need for a disability-related reasonable accommodation, simply (although frequently) misplaced cards, or the recipient’s inability to properly use the card. The County is expected to explore these alternate reasons for the repeated requests before making an SIU referral. ACL-14-90.

ACL 14-66: State Utility Assistance Subsidy (SUAS) (9/19/14)

Instructions regarding the new State Utility Assistance Subsidy (SUAS) program. Lists how to cover recipients during the transfer period from LIHEAP Heat and Eat to SUAS.  The SUAS payment ($20.01) is only to be provided to those households who will actually receive additional CalFresh benefits or become eligible for CalFresh as a result of receiving the payment.  [Download]

ACL 14-63: Households Eligible For CalFresh, But Entitled To No Benefits (9/16/14)

Instructions on the treatment of households with three or more members who are categorically eligible (CE) to CalFresh, but whose net income would not entitle them to receive any benefits.   It is possible for the household to be gross income eligible, as a result of CE, but actually not entitled to receive benefits due to their level of net income.  Reviews the initial month and subsequent month rules for 3+ HH’s as well as the rules for the smaller households. [Download]


ACIN I-53-14: Information On COLAs: Maximum SNAP Allotments, Standard Deduction, Shelter Deduction, Homeless Household Shelter Allowance, Standard Utility Allowance (SUA), Limited Utility Allowance (LUA), Telephone Utility Allowance (TUA), Income Eligibility Standards And Calfresh Tables Of Coupon Issuance – Effective October 1, 2014 (9/3/14)

Here are the new tables regarding deductions and allotments,  for the period of October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015.  Homeless households lose out again, being the only category not to get an increase. [Download]