ACIN I-62-13: Disaster Guidance Attachment – Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Income Eligibility Standards And Allotments Effective October 1, 2013 (9/25/13)

Income Eligibility Standards and Allotments for October 2013. Those amounts also are the 2014 rates.  The D-SNAP net monthly income eligibility levels and maximum shelter deduction (all households included elderly/disabled) increased. The standard deduction amount for household sizes one, two, and three will increase.  Chart attached.  [Download]

ACIN I-61-13: Sunset Of The 2009 ARRA – Effective November 1, 2013, Resulting In Changes To The SNAP Maximum Monthly Benefit Levels Previously Issued In ACIN I-52-13 (9/25/13)

Unfortunately, what went up has to come down.  Under ARRA, the maximum SNAP allotments went up 13.6% through October 31, 2013. ARRA is going into the sunset, so down the maximum allotments will go, effective 11/1/13. The new maximum allotments are listed in this ACIN. [Download]

ACL 13-79: CalFresh Administrative Overissuances (9/24/13)

Instructions regarding changes to CalFresh administrative error (AE) overissuances, to comply with new law.  (1) establishes a single percentage allotment recoupment rate for AE overissuances (to fix a reg discrepancy) ; (2) raises the AE overissuance threshold to make collection not cost-effective from $35 to $125, and; (3) requires CalFresh overissuance Notices of Action to include a statement of the overissuance threshold (and a reminder that the budget worksheet must also be included).  AE claims established before implementation of these new rules are bound by the old rules (i.e. a $35 write off for not cost-effective.) Implementation to be completed by January 1, 2014.  [Download]