Corrections to make clear that the reporting threshold is the specified dollar amount “or more.” In case anyone thought the reporting was only for the exact dollar amount… [Download]
Corrections to make clear that the reporting threshold is the specified dollar amount “or more.” In case anyone thought the reporting was only for the exact dollar amount… [Download]
A review of the FNS waivers sought for Semi-Annual Reporting, and the results. Approved: the shortening of certification periods for CalFresh households at any time to align with the other programs, as long as notice is given. The rest were either denied, and one is still pending. [Download]
FNS realized that the California Expedited regulations and forms, which ask that a client “apply” for ES, do not comply with the requirement that ALL applicants for SNAP benefits must be screened for Expedited services. (AB 1359 also requires this as of 1/1/13.) FNS also stated that California must ensure that CalFresh benefits issued under ES for applications submitted on or before the 15th, do not extend past the month of application (when postponed verifications are not completed). This ACL goes over the new rules until the regs are changed. [Download]
For the counties… [Download]
A review of the difference of ABAWD and work registrant, and what work registrants must do. [Download]
Information, by county, of what (who) the CalFresh caseload looks like. This year, DSS goes frugal (they didn’t claim it was for green reasons!) and is only posting the report. [Download]