ACIN I-59-12: Social Security Administration (SSA) Cost-Of-Living Adjustment (COLA) (11/29/12)

New rates, reflecting a 1.7% increase, effective December 1, 2012 (paid in 1/1/13).  So, the reminder is out: this affects CalWORKs and CalFresh, and requires a timely and adequate notice.  This is a “known to county” change that they are to budget for income for the Jnauary-March quarter, and also mid-period.  So, for ARCO (child only cases), this change in income will result in a mid-period rebugetting.  [Download]


ACL 12-61: Implementation Of The Heat And Eat Program For CalFresh (10/30/12)

Starting January 1, 2013, all CalFresh recipients will be receive a Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP) benefit included in their allotment.  Under the law, the provision of this benefit, which goes to homeless and CFAP recipients, entitles the household to the full Standard Utility Allowance.  This may mean the households get more benefits, or can be eligible when otherwise they wouldn’t have been.  [Download]

ACIN I-50-12: Revision Of The CalFresh Notice Of Approval/Denial/Termination Transitional Benefits Due To The Implementation Of AB 959 (10/16/12)

New NOAs and instructions to implement AB 959, which provides for the restoration of aid for Public Assistance CalFresh (PACF) households discontinued for not submitting a timely or completed quarterly report (QR 7). Under AB 959, households receiving Transitional CalFresh benefits shall not receive regular CalFresh benefits during the same month. Therefore, if a household receives Transitional CalFresh benefits in a given month, regular CalFresh benefits will be restored to the household the first of the following month.  [Download]