Homeless Assistance for family reunification

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has issued instructions implementing AB 236 regarding homeless assistance for family reunification cases.

CalWORKs families receiving family reunification services are now eligible for 16 days of temporary homeless assistance while searching for permanent housing.  CalWORKs families receiving family reunification services are eligible if they are homeless and have no more than $100 in liquid resources.  Counties should offer additional services to assist with housing including Family Stabilization, Housing Support Program and Bringing Families Home program.  (ACL 18-71, June 25, 2018.)

Domestic Violence expansion of homeless assistance

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has issued instructions implementing AB 557 regarding the expansion of homeless assistance for persons escaping domestic abuse.

CalWORKs applicants who provide a sworn statement of past or present domestic abuse and are fleeing the abuser are eligible for up to 32 days of temporary homeless assistance benefits if found to be apparently eligible for CalWORKs regardless of the abuser’s income or assets.  This benefit is available even if the applicant has not spent a night homeless.  This benefit is available even if the applicant has a joint bank account that they claim belongs to the abuser.

Any income or assets the applicant has on hand will be evaluated toward the $100 limit for homeless assistance eligibility.  There is no requirement that the applicant verify homelessness beyond the sworn statement that they are fleeing domestic abuse.

CalWORKs applicants fleeing domestic abuse shall receive a lump sum equal to 16 days of temporary homeless assistance benefits on the date of application.  Applicants will received a lump sum for an additional 16 days of homeless assistance if they remain homeless and their CalWORKs application has not yet been granted.  Payments can be made to the applicant or to the temporary shelter at the applicant’s choice.  If the applicant does not provide verification that the funds were spent on shelter, the second 16 days can be issued by voucher.

Persons fleeing domestic violence are not required to provide proof of their search for housing unless they have also been granted immediate need or are issued their first month of CalWORKs benefits and therefore have been issued regular homeless assistance.  In such cases, counties are strongly encouraged to grant good cause from complying with the housing search verification requirement.

The homeless assistance benefit for persons fleeing domestic violence is available once in a lifetime.  (ACL 18-78, June 29, 2018.)

EBT surcharge free ATM network

During the weekend of June 23 and 24, 2018, the vender for CalWORKs and CalFresh EBT changed to Fidelity Information Systems (FIS).  As a result of this change, the network of surcharge-free ATMs also changed.  The new network will be effective starting June 25, 2018.

The new surcharge-free ATM includes every Bank of America ATM in California, ATMs at Citibank, Comerica Bank, Rabobank, U.S. Bank and several smaller financial institutions.  CDSS states the new network will be about 7,400 surcharge-free ATM, which is an increase of about 2,200 surcharge-free ATMs.

Effective June 25, 2018, MoneyPass ATMs will no longer be part of the surcharge-free ATM network.  However, CDSS will hold clients harmless from surcharges at MoneyPass ATMs until September 30, 2018.  CDSS will be sending a mailer to all clients explaining the changes to the surcharge-free ATM network.  (ACIN I-39-18, June 22, 2018.)

The end of finger imaging

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has issued instructions regarding the end of the Statewide Fingerprint Imaging System as a requirement for CalWORKs benefits.  Effective July 1, 2018, finger print imaging will no longer be required as a condition of receiving CalWORKs benefits and counties must stop using SFIS.

Effective July 1, 2018, counties are required to verify the identity of all adult applicants in person.  With limited exceptions, this will mean that applicants must present a form of photo identification in-person to the county to complete their CalWORKs application.  This requirement will apply to application interviews completed by telephone or other electronic means.

Applicants who received CalWORKs, CalFresh or Medi-Cal prior to July 1, 2018 and who have a photo identification in their case record will not be required to resubmit photo identification in person.  If evidence of identity is conflicting, inconsistent or incomplete, counties will require in-person identity verification.

If the applicant qualifies for Immediate Need and the county must verify identity within 15 working days of the Immediate Need request.

If the applicant does not have acceptable photo identification, the applicant’s sworn statement will be considered sufficient.  However, the applicant must present photo identification in-person within 15 days for benefits to continue.  Aid must continue if the applicant presents evidence of good-faith efforts to obtain a photo identification.  When the applicant presents evidence of good faith efforts to obtain a photo identification but a third party imposes a fee to obtain the evidence, the county must pay the fee on behalf of the applicant or recipient.

Examples of acceptable photo identification are driver’s license, photo identification from a government agency or school, passport or immigration document with photo.

Counties can still choose to provide the CalWORKs application interview by telephone or other electronic means.  (ACL 18-68, June 7, 2018.)

Welfare-to-Work 24-month time clock extenders

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has issued instructions implementing AB 818 regarding extension of the 24-month Welfare-to-Work time clock.

The 24-month time clock allows flexibility in wefare-to-work activities by allowing activities that are not federally approved for up to 24-months.  Welfare and Institutions Code Section 11322.87 includes circumstances that can extend the 24-month clock.

In addition to the existing extension categories, a recipient making satisfactory progress toward a high school diploma or equivalent with a known graduation, transfer or expected completion date may now be granted an extension of the 24-month Welfare-to-Work time clock.

In addition, participants who have completed a high school diploma or equivalent during their time on the 24-month clock may be granted an extension of the 24-month clock to engage in an education program or other activities which would meaningfully increase the likelihood of employment.  (ACL 18-41, April 2, 2018.)

Welfare-to-Work assignment for high school diploma

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has issued instructions implementing AB 1604 requiring counties to offer completing a high school diploma or the equivalent as a welfare-to-work plan.

For clients who do have a high school diploma counties must develop a welfare-to-work plan designed to earn a high school diploma or equivalent as the primary activity before making any other assignment.  If the client does not want to participate in education at that time, the client may continue in other welfare-to-work activities.  The client must make this choice in writing.  These requirements do not apply to clients participating in, required to participate in or exempt from Cal-Learn.

A plan to complete a high school diploma equivalent must meet weekly welfare-to-work participation requirements.  Hours in education may include homework time.  Supervised homework time and up to one hour of unsupervised homework time for each hour of class time may be included.  Distance or electronic learning is an option to obtain a high school diploma or equivalent.  Assigned hours can also include English as a Second Language classes and accommodations or other resources necessary for the client to earn a high school diploma or equivalent.

If the client requires additional hours to meet requirements or if the appraisal determines that additional activities may be beneficial, the client must be referred to Assessment to complete their plan.  The client cannot be required to attend Assessment prior to beginning their course of study unless a course of study is not immediately available.  Other assigned activities cannot reduce the hours assigned to the course of study without the client’s written consent.  Clients age 19 or younger are not required to participate in additional activities.  (ACL 18-40, April 2, 2018.)