ACIN I-33-13: CalWORKs: Posting Displacement Grievance Guidelines For Non-Union Employees At Worksites With WTW Participants (7/9/13)

Updated guidelines regarding the requirement for Counties to provide non-union employees with information about their rights to file displacement grievances.  The grievance process is used to resolve complaints filed by nonunion employees who believe assignment of a WTW participant to community service, work experience, OJT, grant-based OJT, or subsidized employment violates any of the displacement provisions contained in MPP Section 42-720.1.  Includes a discussion of what the required posting must include. [Download]

ACIN I-31-13: CalWORKs: SB 1041 Reengagement Requirements And The Optional New Young Child Exemption (6/25/13)

A supplement to ACL 13-01, this Notice goes over more details about the “reengagement population” — those parents and caretakers who were exempt for a child 12-23 months old or two children under 6, as of 12/2012.  This group also gets the comprehensive discussion of the new rules.  It clarifies the “exempt volunteer until reengaged” rule (exempt individuals who had been volunteering can continue to participate as volunteers if a WTW plan was signed before January 1, 2013, with Counties honoring those WTW plans and revising or developing new plans for these volunteers, as appropriate, until the county reengages the individual. The signing of a new plan as a volunteer does not meet the reengagement requirements and the client is not considered reengaged.) It also goes over the reengagement process and the new “at the discretion of the caretaker” young child/once in a lifetime exemption.  [Download]