Corrections to make clear that the reporting threshold is the specified dollar amount “or more.” In case anyone thought the reporting was only for the exact dollar amount… [Download]
Corrections to make clear that the reporting threshold is the specified dollar amount “or more.” In case anyone thought the reporting was only for the exact dollar amount… [Download]
SB 1013 now allows Non Minor Dependents (NMD) who turn 19 before to January 1, 2013 to keep getting benefits beyond age 19 and up to age 21, provided all other applicable eligibility requirements have been met. No additional paperwork or requirements needed. NMDs whose benefits were discontinued in 2012 due solely to attaining age 19 may have benefits resumed or re-enter foster care, if they agree to meet one or more of the participation conditions.
NMDs who voluntarily exited prior to turning age 19 in 2012 could re-enter at any time up to their 19th birthday during 2012. If a NMD voluntarily exited foster care in 2012 and then turned 19 in 2012, the NMD must wait until January 1, 2013 to re-enter foster care.
AB 1712 exempts CalWORKs NMDs from the SFIS fingerimaging requirements, effective January 1, 2013. The letter reviews other rules (living out of state, child support if the NMD is a parent, and county of residency for NMD.) [Download]
A must-read for CalWORKs advocates, as it goes over the new 24 month clock, what starts and stops and extends it, and the logistics of rolling it out. [Download]
The exemption for “insufficient funds for support services” ended 12/31/12, but counties must provide 10 day notice prior to restarting the 48 month clock for these recipients. If the notice did not go out in December, counties must issue it this month, to restart the clock in 2/1/13. “Counties must ensure that these clients are offered an appointment for a comprehensive discussion on the new CalWORKs rules as soon as possible.” [Download]
Instructions for calculating average weekly hours of participation. [Download]
A “must read” for anyone doing CalWORKs welfare to work advocacy/assistance. The instructions of how/when to reengage those who were exempt for young children or no funding for support services, and when their new 24 months “clock” on the full range of WTW activities will start. [Download]