ACL 12-53CalWORKs Program: SB 1041 Welfare-To-Work (WTW) 24-Month Time Clock Informing Notice Language (10/17/12)

Lists informing notice language that counties must issue by December 1, 2012 and provides general information regarding the new WTW 24-Month Time Clock and required hours of participation.  Counties are required to modify plans when requested, and the notice must have county-specific information on how to request the plan change.  The ACL contains a new form (CW 2205) to be sent to all aided (and sanctioned) adults, including optional members of the AU, except not those excluded for the young-child exemption, who will be reengaged later. [Download]

ACL 12-47: Revisions To The Statewide Fingerprint Imaging System Brochure (10/2/12)

10 months after the repeal of finger-imaging for CalFresh folks, DSS has issued a new PUB brochure on the SFIS system…which removes the references to CalFresh.  It also “authorizes” counties to “strike out” (with a handy Sharpie?) the reference to CalFresh in the SAWs2 application. Not sure how that is done for on-line applications….  The spiffy new brochure is attached, and now explains why SFIS is used for CalWORKs and GA, and the limits of its usage. [Download]

ACL 12-49: CalWORKs And CalFresh Programs: Implementation Of The Annual Reporting/Child Only (AR/CO) System (9/27/12)

No, CDSS has not merged with an oil company.  This is the detailed instructions implementing effective today the ANNUAL reporting for child only cases.  That’s right: these households will report only at application/redetermination, and when mandatory “change reporting” items come up.  Contrary to logic but consistent with the statute, “child only” does not include AU’s in which only the children get aid, but the adult’s absence is due to a WTW sanction.  To avoid negative CalFresh impact and “promote compatibility,” CDSS is assigning change reporting (CR) status to all CalFresh HHs associated with a CalWORKs AR/CO case. [Download]