ACL 12-25: Implementation Of The Semi-Annual Reporting (SAR) System In The CalWORKs and CalFresh Programs (5/17/12)

Busy? Hope not! This is a must read: Implementation of the semi-annual reporting system, coming to your local welfare department starting April 1, 2013, and continue in phases until October 1, 2013.  Lots stayed the same, some things are similar but not the same so require some retooling of your brains, and some stuff is new.  Only 104 pages.  [Download]

ACL 12-23: CalWORKs) Program: Stopping Overpayment Collection From Certain Current Minors (5/10/12)

More information on policy changes regarding CalWORKs overpayment collections from minors. (A follow up to ACL 12-02.)  This ACL
requires that CWDs terminate OP collections from another segment of the CalWORKs population. As of January 6, 2012, CWDs may no longer recoup prior OPs from any minor who becomes a member of a new Assistance Unit (AU) when the OP occurred while the minor was a member of the previous AU. That’s right – no collections from AU’s if the OP is following a minor!

This also includes stopping all current collection actions via grant adjustment or other collection methods and to prospectively forego pursuit of OP repayment from minors who moved from an overpaid AU to a new AU, including barring reduction of June 2012 grants for this population.   More instructions about retros to follow.  [Download]

ACIN I-21-12: CalWORKs and CalFresh: – Mid-Quarter Change When Child Moves to A New Assistance Unit/Household (4/23/12)

A review of what to do when a family applies for cash aid or CalFresh benefits for a child who is currently aided in another assistance unit.  The ACIN reminds counties to be prompt in determination of eligibility, and how/when it can cut aid mid-quarter. Includes a DV warning about false claims.  If the 10-day notice period is fast approaching (e.g. it is the 18th or 19th of the month) counties should do everything possible to complete the determination of care and control so the new caretaker relative does not have to wait an additional month before s/he can begin receiving aid for the child in their care. [Download]