ACL 12-15: CalWORKs: Guidelines Regarding Workers’ Compensation Insurance Coverage For Participants In Subsidized Employment Programs (4/23/12)

The increased interest in (and offering of) subsidized employment (SE), given the multiple entities that can be involved in placing, employing, and compensating SE participants, has led to a key question: Who is responsible for worker’s comp? This letter reviews who is the “employer” responsible.  [Download]

ACWDL 12-3: Six New Aid Codes To Identify Assembly Bill 12 Non-Minor Dependents in the Foster Care, Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment Program, CalWORKs, and Adoption Assistance Program

More Medi-Cal aid codes! These new codes will identify dependents age 18 through 21, who qualify for the current Foster Care (FC), Kin-GAP, CalWORKs, and Adoptions Assistance Program (AAP), who meet certain criteria under AB 12 to continue to receive extended benefits starting January 1, 2012.

Effective April 1, 2012, counties must begin using  the new aid codes (43, 49, 07, 4N, 4S, and 4W). Until then, counties must perform a MEDS transaction maintain eligibility for these beneficiaries. Download

ACL 12-08: Revised Process On Out-Of-State EBT Card Usage Reports (1/31/12)

In a case of TMI, CDSS issued this notice, revising the county EBT reporting requirements originally set out in ACL 10-44 .  The counties are now only supposed to report cases that have had 100 percent of their cash transactions occurring out-of-state for 90 consecutive days or longer.  (The state found that most cases timely discontinued and it was a waste of effort to check the list every 30 days.) [Download]


ACIN I-81-11: CalWORKs) Program: New Procedures To Request Eligibility Policy Interpretations (12/31/11)

To start automating CalWORKs Policy Interpretations (PI’s) , the State has rescinded instructions in ACIN I-35-10, and issued a new form (CW 2202W) and request guidelines.  This ACIN does not apply to WTW PI’s, which are still governed by ACIN I-75-11.  Automation systems consortia, Welfare Advocates, or ALJ’s can also use this form to submit questions, to (This is an alternate avenue, and does not replace the WARRA process for advocates.) [Download]