3.6% COLA increase in Social Security this last December…translates into the January budgeting information of the ACIN. [Download]
3.6% COLA increase in Social Security this last December…translates into the January budgeting information of the ACIN. [Download]
Not quite sure why an Errata was needed, but this points out that the forms attached to the original ACL should have been called “SOC” instead of “Share of Cost.” [Download]
County forms and instructions to determine cost-neutrality of subsidized employment. [Download]
A reminder that all county discretionary policies must be in writing and sufficiently detailed, and to strive towards transparency by posting them on the county’s website. Comes with an attachment of the areas of discretion. [Download]
EBT can handle CalWORKs ancillary payments – this ACIN is notice of new codes to distinguish federal and state teen parent ancillaries. [Download]
The Department of Child Support Services told DSS that information in the POP database is considered verification that legal paternity has been established for that child. DSS wisely concluded that referrals to the Local Child Support Agency for “paternity establishment only,” are not necessary once verification of the filed declaration has been received by the CWD. The rest of the letter describes who can and how to access the POP database. [Download]