Sanctioned adults are eligible for stage 1 child care

Following substantial advocacy by the Child Care Law Center, CDSS has clarified that adults in CalWORKs sanction status can be eligible for Stage 1 child care. Under MPP Section 42-721.41, sanctioned adults are eligible for child care when the client is in the process of curing a sanction or during the months in sanction the client is working or participating in a county-approved program activity, which are activities in the assigned as part of the a welfare-to-work plan or activities necessary to accept or retain employment. Sanctioned adults in a cure plan remain in Stage 1 child care. Sanctioned adults performing an approvable activity should be assessed for transfer to Stage 2 child care.

CDSS also reiterated that clients in sanction status can request to cure the sanction by entering into a plan to cure the sanction and performing the activity stated on the cure plan up to a maximum of 30 days, whichever is shorter.

ACL 15-53

ACL 12-73: Assembly Bill 1707, Child Abuse Central Index (12/20/12)

Info on a new Index purging: Effective January 1, 2013, the Department of Justice must purge an individual’s name from the Child Abuse Central Index if the individual was listed as a minor at the time of the initial substantiated report, and has no subsequent substantiated listing(s) made to the Index ten years after the incident resulting in the CACI listing. [Download]