A bit late, but the DSS has released the group home ratios effective 10/1/13. [Download]
A bit late, but the DSS has released the group home ratios effective 10/1/13. [Download]
Information on case management and eligibility issues related to Indian youth as Non-Minor Dependents (NMDs). The letter also provides guidance on Indian youth in out-of-home placements who are seeking to participate in the “After 18 Program.” [Download]
The low down on the methodologies for assessing youth in group homes, with the goal of ending “congregate care” and moving foster youth into family homes. [Download]
Providing notice of changes to Child Welfare report forms, to make the reports easier to use when comparing a county’s performance over multiple time frames and to facilitate the ability of counties to calculate the percent of change for performance measurement. [Download]
An “effective immediately” change in the requirements for placement in group homes for children ages twelve and under. [Download]
Edgewood Center for Children and Families will no longer be providing technical assistance re: the KSSP, due to realignment of funding to the counties (and the fact that over the last 20 years, “staff have achieved a level of sophistication and self-sufficiency that permits the transition from contracted services to collaborative support and networking.” The last six months of the contract will be used for holding 3 regional meetings to facilitate peer-to-peer networking. [Download]