ACL 13-04: Notice Of Education Travel Survey Tool (7/1/13)

Federal law provides that foster care case plans includes a plan for ensuring the educational stability of the child, and allows the cost of reasonable travel for the child to remain in the school in which the child is enrolled at the time of placement as an allowable foster care maintenance cost.   In ACL 11-51, the CWDA and CDSS agreed to develop a survey tool to capture relevant educational travel data.  This ACL transmits a Microsoft Word version of the survey too, and is putting out a request for the provision of information regarding October 2012.  [Download]

ACIN I-29-13: Extended Foster Care (EFC) Update (6/6/13)

Info on new law requirements (ok, since last year) for the “after 18” program (EFC).  Most of the changes are to apply existing Foster Care rules to this older population.

The SB 1013 removed the phased-in maximum age limits for foster care in 2012 and 2013. This allows a non-minor dependent (NMD) who continuously remains in foster care to stay until the age of 21.  (The phased in ages remains for “re-entry” youth, also explained in this letter.)   The letter reviews notice, court process, the health and education passport, placement, etc. [Download]


ACL 13-13: Monthly Caseworker Visits With Children (5/15/13)

Info for the counties regarding the changes made to the Caseworker Visit mandate as a result of the federal Child and Family Services Improvement and Innovation Act ( Attachment A to the letter).  Also gives an update on the progress of the state’s performance in meeting  the Child and Family Services Act caseworker visit mandate . Lastly, revisions to Division 31 to replace the visit measures.  [Download]