ACL 13-27: State Hearing Division Procedures In Processing The Hearing Requests That Involve Harris v. CDSS (4/4/13)

The Harris case resulted in an order that DSS provide hearings to challenge cases where a county child welfare agency denied a relative or nonrelative extended family member (NREFM) approval to provide care to a juvenile court dependent.  This letter is notice that the regular state hearings procedures will now start, replacing the special provisions temporarily in place after the order.   These hearings are for a denial of relative/NREFM qualifications; denials under Community Care Licensing ; home approval denials (for not meeting health and safety requirements); or failure to complete required orientation and/or training.

There is no right to a Harris hearing to dispute an agency’s submittal of an alleged severe neglect or abuse incident onto the Child Abuse Central Index (CACI) , or a dispute requesting the removal of the incident(s) from the CACI. Such disputes continue to be grieved through the appropriate county (see MPP 31-021.1 through 31-021.86).  [Download]

ACL 13-20: Release Of The Core Practice Model (CPM) Guide And Description Of The Intensive Care Coordination And Intensive Home-Based Services (3/26/13)

As part of the Katie A. settlement, the state has issued this letter, which reviews the definition of who is covered and what array of services are available.  The letter discusses how to interpret “at imminent risk of foster care placement,” and a discussion of the mental health services covered.  Also notes upcoming trainings on the guide. [Download]

ACL 13-09: Transitioning Youth From Transitional Housing Placement Program (THPP) To The Transitional Housing Placement Plus Foster Care (THP+FC) Program (2/12/13)

A Non Minor Dependent placed in THPP housing prior to age 18 may remain with a provider whose license has not yet been updated to include the THP+FC Program, if the licensed transitional housing placement provider meets the conditions set out in this letter. [Download]

ACL 13-10: CalWORKs: Changes Affecting Non-Minor Dependents As A Result Of SB 1013 And AB 1712 (2/7/13)

SB 1013 now allows Non Minor Dependents (NMD) who turn 19 before to January 1, 2013 to keep getting benefits beyond age 19 and up to age 21, provided all other applicable eligibility requirements have been met.  No additional paperwork or requirements needed. NMDs whose benefits were discontinued in 2012 due solely to attaining age 19 may have benefits resumed or re-enter foster care, if they agree to meet one or more of the participation conditions.

NMDs who voluntarily exited prior to turning age 19 in 2012 could re-enter at any time up to their 19th birthday during 2012. If a NMD voluntarily exited foster care in 2012 and then turned 19 in 2012, the NMD must wait until January 1, 2013 to re-enter foster care.

AB 1712 exempts CalWORKs NMDs from the SFIS fingerimaging requirements, effective January 1, 2013.  The letter reviews other rules (living out of state, child support if the NMD is a parent, and county of residency for NMD.)  [Download]