Important information on the settlement in the Shrewry case, which provides for Medi-Cal coverage for psychiatric care of under 21 year olds, detained by the city, county or state. [Download]
Important information on the settlement in the Shrewry case, which provides for Medi-Cal coverage for psychiatric care of under 21 year olds, detained by the city, county or state. [Download]
Instructions on implementing PL 110-351 and 112-34, which amended Title IV-E to require that the foster care case plan include a plan for ensuring the educational stability of the child. Each placement of the foster child is to take into account the appropriateness of the current educational setting and the proximity of the foster home placement to the school in which the child is enrolled at the time of placement. The county agency must assure that there is coordination with the appropriate Local Educational Agency (LEA) to ensure that the foster child remains in the school in which the child is enrolled at the time of each placement; or if remaining in such school is not in the best interest of the child, to provide immediate and appropriate enrollment in a new school, which includes submission of all educational records to the new school. [Download]
Implementation Of The Harris v Wagner lawsuit, involving due process for a relative or NREFM who is denied assessment or approval to provide foster care. People who are denied approval or found not to be a NREFM now have a right to a state fair hearing. The leter goes through the notices that must be issued, divided up into two time periods (12/1-17 and post 12/18/12); hearings will begin next year. [Download]
This amended regulation became effective July 1, 2012. The amended regulation clarifies the authority and responsibilities of central state compact offices. [Download]
You know those “Kids” license plates? This is the notice of the funds generated, and the distribution formula/chart. 25% of the funds are to go to child abuse and prevention. [Download]
This ACL supersedes ACL No. 07-14E as it addressed the claiming of administrative costs for non-relative extended family members (NREFMs). It is not permissible for the state to claim any costs (administrative, maintenance, etc.) associated with otherwise eligible children who are placed in foster care with a NREFM whose home is pending licensure or approval, effective 7/1/12. Claiming such costs, pending approval, is limited to relatives. Once the NREFM is approved, claiming of IVE administrative and maintenance costs may begin provided all other eligibility conditions are met. If approval activities are done during the same month the NREFM’s home is approved; administrative costs for that particular month can be claimed. [Download]