ACIN I-22-12: CalFresh For Foster Youth (5/1/12)

A reminder of the importance of connecting youth leaving foster care with CalFresh benefits. Although ACL 09-25 got the uptake rate from less than 5% to 22%, there is obviously room for improvement.  Despite legal obligations to maximize aid, the letter suggests the “development of a collaborative process involving both CalFresh and Child Welfare Services staff.” [Download]

ACIN I-16-12: California’s Child And Family Services Review Five-Year Schedule (5/3/12)

The review process started in 2004, to strengthen the accountability system used to monitor and assess the quality of services provided on behalf of maltreated children.  The 5 year cycle replaces the prior triennial review. This shift was seen as more conforming with the federal review changes that are in the works, and to use the peer review activity as part of the county’s assessment process (and eliminate a standalone report).  The ACIN discusses various other components and changes in these processes.  [Download]