Not quite sure why an Errata was needed, but this points out that the forms attached to the original ACL should have been called “SOC” instead of “Share of Cost.” [Download]
Not quite sure why an Errata was needed, but this points out that the forms attached to the original ACL should have been called “SOC” instead of “Share of Cost.” [Download]
Coding information for the Counties, plus the list of new forms and form completion info. [Download]
Part 3 of the instructions on implementing AB 12, to provide for foster care after 18 . This one is for youth in probation status. [Download]
Info on the upcoming trainings on AB 12/Extended Foster care. [Download]
Transmission of the charts on the base Adoption Assistance Program (AAP) rates; these rates were increased as a result of the increase in basic foster care rates in the wake of the successful California State Foster Parent Association lawsuit. [Download]
Part of a series of letters implementing AB 12, which extends foster care to youth who meet certain criteria, through age 20 (at this point). This lettter sets out the basic “non-minor dependent” requirements for extended foster care. [Download]